
和寿星, 薛润光*, 李兆光, 郭承刚, 李国庆, 李帆
云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所, 云南丽江674100

通信作者:薛润光;E-mail: xuerg166@sohu.com;Tel: 0888-5109701

摘 要:

收稿:2010-07-13   修定:2010-07-29


Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Cymbidium gaoligongense Z. J.

Liu et J. Y. Zhang HE Shou-Xing, XUE Run-Guang*, LI Zhao-Guang, GUO Cheng-Gang, LI Guo-Qing, LI Fan
Alpine Economic Plants Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lijiang, Yunnan 674100, China

Corresponding author: XUE Run-Guang; E-mail: xuerg166@sohu.com; Tel: 0888-5109701


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